A Lighthouse That Truly Thrives!

Mural The Mother Tree - Lighthouse

Lighthouse or tree? Both together!

I discovered a very special lighthouse in the small Swiss town of Frauenfeld. It has a tree growing out of it, and its roots are connected to a smaller lighthouse. With his mural ‘The Mother Tree’, Belgian graffiti artist Gjis Vanhee wants to show us humans how we could solve our problems – if we worked together like the trees in a forest.

Mural The Mother Tree by Gjis Vanhee in Frauenfeld, Switzerland

This lighthouse is not located on the coast; it is a mural that extends across the façade of the casino building in the Swiss town of Frauenfeld. It is not an ordinary lighthouse. The branches of a tree protrude from its round windows and roots grow from its foundations, reaching deep into the water. It is actually a huge tree growing out of the lighthouse. The lighthouse and tree are inextricably linked, as if they have grown together organically, without any external force disrupting their symbiotic existence.

Lighthouse keepers with bird's heads

At the top of the platform by the lamp sits a figure with a bird’s head, holding a fishing rod in the water, the line of which reaches down to the rootstock. To the right of the entrance door, which is reached by a curved staircase, another bird-headed figure sits reading a book. His bare feet are up to his ankles in a meadow of flowers that surrounds the lighthouse. Someone has scrawled ‘NO WAR’ on the wall next to the door, and a peace sign is painted on the other side. To the left of the large lighthouse, you can see another smaller one, from which a tree is also growing.

Belgian artist Gijs Vanhee calls this lighthouse tree ‘The Mother Tree’. The mother lighthouse appears to have already grown a branch. The two lighthouse trees are connected by their roots like an umbilical cord.

„Trees can be our guides during difficult times, like a lighthouse showing us the right direction.”
Gjis Vanhee, Artist
Gjis Vanhee

How trees can teach us

Gijs Vanhee is fascinated by the way trees communicate with each other: ‘In a forest, a special network of fungi links the roots of all the trees, enabling them to communicate and cooperate as a community. This connection allows them to communicate and collaborate as a species, working together to survive.’ He also believes that we humans can learn a lot from trees: ‘Trees have been around for a very long time and we often underestimate their importance. We can actually learn a lot from them. They can be our guides during difficult times, like a lighthouse showing us the right direction.’

And so ‘The Mother Tree’ could show us a way to solve humanity’s problems in the face of the climate crisis and wars: ‘Just like the trees, we too need to come together and support each other to thrive.’ Gijs Vanhee emphasises: ‘In the end, our survival as a species depends on our capacity to learn from the interdependence found in nature and our willing to collaborate for a brighter tomorrow.’

The two bird figures, which are connected by the lighthouse tree, show us what peaceful coexistence in harmony with nature could look like, although they seem to be absorbed in their own activities, such as fishing and reading respectively.

„In the end, our survival as a species depends on our capacity to learn from the interdependence found in nature and our willing to collaborate for a brighter tomorrow.”
Gjis Vanhee, Artist
Gjis Vanhee

Lighthouses work like trees

This is such a fantastic idea: a lighthouse from which a tree grows and which is connected to other lighthouse trees through their roots! The lighthouses on the shores also represent an incredible communication network that guides ships travelling by themselves safely past each other along the right sea routes to their ports of destination.

More about the Work and the artist

‘The Mother Tree’ on Street Art Cities:

Gjis Vanhee on Street Art Cities:

Gjis Vanhee’s website:

How to get there

The mural ‘The Mother Tree’ is located at the following address:
Casino Frauenfeld
Bahnhofplatz 76b
8500 Frauenfeld

Frauenfeld – Switzerland's street art capital

When you visit Frauenfeld, you’ll be in for a treat! The small town (population 25,800) is something of a hidden gem, boasting over 40 works by internationally renowned graffiti artists. Best of all, you can view them all on a two- to three-hour walk through the town.

Street art festival Frauenfeld 2025

The International Street Art Festival 2023 was a resounding success, with most of the graffiti created during this vibrant event. And that’s not all – new pieces are constantly being added! And there’s more to come in June 2025, when the event returns!

Go to: International Street Art Festival Frauenfeld

Street art tour through Frauenfeld

The best way to get there is by train. The Frauenfeld street art tour starts right at the railway station, so you can jump straight in. The Street Art Cities app is your key to unlocking the graffiti, providing information about the works and the artists.

Go to: Street Art Cities App

Pink Dog, Street Art by One Truth Bros

One of Frauenfeld’s must-see murals: ‘Pink Dog’ by Swiss street art duo
One Truth Bros covers an entire building.

All photos: Dana Rinder

hip-hop openair frauenfeld

In July, the Street Art Festival provides the ideal backdrop for Europe’s largest hip-hop open-air festival, which takes place on Frauenfeld’s Allmend – so you can enjoy the best of both worlds! It’s definitely worth a visit twice over!

Go to: Openair Frauenfeld

Picture of Dana Rinder

Dana Rinder

I'm a Swiss writer with a passion for lighthouses, dogs, and mysterious stories. Come along with me on my lighthouse adventures and follow me in my blogbook!

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